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35 tentara lokal Afghan bayaran tewas dan terluka dalam pertempuran dengan Mujahidin IIA di Kohistanat

October 31st, 2013 (0)
SARIPUL (Arrahmah.com) – Mujahidin Imarah Islam Afghanistan (IIA) bertempur dengan tentara lokal bayaran -yang bersekutu dengan penjajah- di distrik Kohistanat, provinsi Saripul. Para tentara bayaran tersebut didukung oleh puluhan tank, kendaraan militer dan truk logistik. Mereka tiba di distrik ...

19 tentara bayaran lokal Afghan bertaubat dan bergabung dengan Mujahidin IIA

October 22nd, 2013 (0)
SARIPUL (Arrahmah.com) – Sebanyak 19 tentara bayaran lokal Afghanistan, termasuk dua komandannya, berhenti dari memerangi Mujahidin. Menurut laporan Shahamat, kelompok tersebut bertaubat dan bergabung dengan Mujahidin Imarah Islam Afghanistan (IIA) di distrik Kohistanat, bagian utara provinsi Saripul pada Selasa ...

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Doctor accused of adultery stoned by <b>Sari-Pul</b> residents - Ariana News
Hundreds of Sari-Pul City residents who accused a local doctor of committing adultery with a mid-wife stoned him near his clinic though it has not been proven that he or she were guilty of any wrongful action. The Police chief ...
Source: "http://ariananews.af/regional/doctor-accused-of-adultery-stoned-by-sari-pul-residents/"

Archive Tender Notice - WAPCOS
Notice Inviting Quotation for “Preparation of catchment area treatment plan for the project “Afghanistan Emergency Irrigation Rehabilitation Project ...
Source: "http://www.wapcos.gov.in/Home/ArchiveTenderNotice.aspx"

125 women subjected to violence in <b>Sar-i-Pul</b> | Pajhwok Afghan News
MAZAR-I-SHARIF (PAN): Incidents of rape and self-immolation among women have been on the increase in northern Sar-i-Pul province, an official said on Thursday.
Source: "http://www.pajhwok.com/en/2013/08/29/125-women-subjected-violence-sar-i-pul"

97 schoolgirls poisoned in Faryab, <b>Sar-i-Pul</b> | Pajhwok Afghan News
MAIMANA/SAR-I-PUL (PAN): Nearly a hundred schoolgirls were hospitalised after falling sick due to suspected poisonous gas attacks in northern Faryab and Sari-i-Pul provinces, officials said on Sunday.
Source: "http://www.pajhwok.com/en/2013/06/02/97-schoolgirls-poisoned-faryab-sar-i-pul"

Taliban shadow judge among 13 fellows killed in <b>Sari Pul</b> - The <b>...</b>
KABUL: Official claimed on Thursday that a judge of Taliban among his 13 others killed during separate clashes with security forces. Police chief Lt Gen.
Source: "http://www.lhrtimes.com/2013/04/12/taliban-shadow-judge-among-fellow-killed-161064/"

Taliban Norge | Om Taliban Norge
The Taliban launched an internet magazine in Norwegian in December 2012, called “Taliban Norge”, featuring articles in English and Norwegian.
Source: "http://www.taliban-norge.no/?page_id=2"

Said Isa Mushtak - Kel Gel Sanamaa. 2010 afghanistan uzbek ...
afgahnistan super star uzbek songs afghan best songs
Source: "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCvEPh0m1rU"

Wheat Seed and Agriculture Programming - Welcome to the ...
Case Studies Series WHEAT SEED AND AGRICULTURE PROGRAMMING IN AFGHANISTAN: Its Potential to Impact on Livelihoods Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit
Source: "http://www.areu.org.af/Uploads/EditionPdfs/414E-Wheat%20Seed%20and%20Agriculture%20CS.pdf"

Afghanistan - Regions - Country Studies
Afghanistan Table of Contents. Scholars disagree over the division, number and definitions of Afghanistan's regions. Louis Dupree's geographic paradigm is one of the ...
Source: "http://countrystudies.us/afghanistan/34.htm"

Jumbish ends protest in Jawzjan, stages in <b>Sar-i-Pul</b> | Pajhwok <b>...</b>
SAR-I-PUL CITY/SHIBERGHAN (PAN): As Rashid Dostum's supporters called off their protest in Jawzjan on Saturday, his hundreds others supporters staged a protest rally in Sar-i-Pul province against the Jawzjan governor.
Source: "http://www.pajhwok.com/en/2013/06/22/jumbish-ends-protest-jawzjan-stages-sar-i-pul"